Christ-Centered Easter Basket Ideas and Gifts for Your Kids

Since becoming a mom, I have searched the internet time and time again to try and find intentional Christ-centered Easter basket ideas. I found that a lot of the resources out there are either very dated or cheesy. And as an aspiring (yet often failing) minimalist, many of the ideas were things that would just add clutter without meaning.

I think there is a place for candy, eggs, and stuff animals on Easter, but I also want something more intentional for my children. Something that keeps the purpose of why we celebrate Easter front and center. Honestly, my search to find intentional products for my family is a large reason why I started this blog. 

So, here are some things you can easily incorporate into your kids’ Easter baskets, no matter their ages, that hopefully serve to keep Christ at the center. Most of these items I own and we love them! If there is anything you have found, please share in the comments! I would love for this to be a thriving community where moms can learn from each other and encourage each other in the discipleship of our kids. 

Items in this post are affiliate links. You don’t get charged any extra, but my family receives a small commission when you shop via one of my affiliate links & we are grateful for your support! 

Christian Easter Basket Ideas for Your Kids

Dot Paint | Dot Paint Easter Book | Holy Week | Bible story Audio Player | Wood Noah’s Ark | My Bible Quiet Book | Bunny Finds Easter | Water WOW! Bible Stories | Jesus Loves Me! | Dress Up Togas | Knight Dress Up | Seek and Find New Testament

If you want to know why I picked some of these things, keep reading below. 

Holy Week Book – All of the books in the Baby Believer series are great, and this one focuses specifically on the week leading up to Resurrection Sunday with beautiful illustrations! 

Bible Stories and Songs Audio Player – We have a different version of this product for my daughter, and it is perfect for the car. My one complaint is it does not have a plug for headphones.

Water Wow Bible Stories and Quiet Book– I love these for when my daughter sits in church with us or for long road trips. 

Jesus Loves Me – My mom actually got this book for my daughter when she was around 15 months from Cracker Barrel. She loved pushing the buttons and dancing to the songs. She also loved “reading” the stories and pointed out the animals she was learning, like frogs and ducks. 

Bunny Finds Easter – I am working on a full post on Easter book recommendations, and this is one of the books I got at my local library! The story is sweet and innocent, and resembles the day a lot of our kids experience on Easter Sunday ending with the real reason we celebrate Easter. 

Knight Dress-up  and Toga Dress Up – What kids don’t love playing dress up and being able to dress up like biblical times or as a knight wearing the “Armor of God?” These can serve as great conversations starters with your littles and spur on creativity. 

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