Many of my favorite childhood memories are from around the Christmas season. My parents made it such a special time, and they did a good job balancing the excitement of decorations, lights, activities, and family traditions with the true meaning behind the Advent season, Jesus.

When I became a mom, I was overwhelmed by how much consumerism surrounded this season and how secular everything has become. Why does Christmas radio never plays any traditional Christmas songs (Joy to the World, We Three Kings, etc.)? I knew I would have to be very intentional to keep the focus on Christ front and center.

I am by no means perfect at doing this, but I have found a few things along the way that I thought I’d share. So, here are some things you can easily incorporate into your Christmas season to keep Christ at the center for your toddlers or babies. Most of these items I own, and we love them! If there is anything you have found, please share in the comments! I would love for this to be a thriving community where moms can learn from and encourage each other in the discipleship of our kids.

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Christ-Centered Christmas Gifts & Traditions for Toddlers and Babies

Little People Nativity | Sounding Joy Book | T’was the Evening of Christmas Book | Room for a Little One Book | Nativity Puzzle Bible Stories and Songs Audio Player | Lift the Flap Nativity Book | Stackable Snowman | Coloring House | Stacking Christmas Tree | Christmas Microphone | The Giving Manger | Jesse Tree Advent Cards | Advent Candle

If you want to know why I picked some of these items, keep reading below. 

Fisher-Price Little People Nativity– This is a highlight each Advent season and has been a hit since my oldest was 6 months old. I love that this toy is perfect for babies and toddlers of ANY age and is a great way to teach your children the reason for the Christmas season.

Bible Stories and Songs Audio Player – We have a different version of this product for my daughter, which is perfect for the car. It’s great all year round, and one of the stories is the Christmas story. My one complaint is it does not have a plug for headphones.

Sounding Joy, Twas the Evening of Christmas, & Room for a Little One – These books are a few of my favorites for babies and toddlers. They are wonderful stories with beautiful pictures and are perfect for short attention spans.

Christmas Microphone, Wood Christmas Tree,  and Stalking Snowmen– These are toys that do not have a Christ-centered focus, but I like to intentionally incorporate other fun Christmas/winter toys and activities into this season. 

Giving Manger and Jesse Tree Devotion – These are more age-appropriate for older toddlers but can be nice to start in the early years. 

Advent Candle – There is something so special and simple about lighting a candle. I love this one for toddlers because they can visibly see the countdown to Christmas. It creates a special moment that ends with one child getting to blow the candle out. We did this in my family each year, and my siblings and I always looked forward to our night to blow out the candle. 

*We have also used traditional advent candles with my littles and have found the single candle is easier for our girls to understand.

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